Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Another Service for you - Price My Domain

PriceMyDomain.info - is open for business

Are you ready to buy a domain name? Or, do you have a domain name that you wish to sell? Use PriceMyDomin.info and have the domain name appraised. The cost is $5.00 per domain name and you receive your report within 72 hours or it is free.

If you want to buy a domain name, it is crucial that you get that name appraised first. You will be in a better bargaining position when you know the true value of the domain name you are purchasing. Never purchase domain names without first getting a professional appraisal!

How do you set the price on a domain name? If you ask for too much, your domain will never sell. If you don't ask for enough, you may regret it forever. Furthermore, a unbiased and professional domain name appraisal gives value to a domain name - appraisal almost always increases the sales price of a domain!

Every appraisal comes with a customized web page for the domain detailing the ranking criteria and certifying the value. Sellers find such pages extremely valuable since they can refer potential buyers to the page to substantiate their asking price.

Don't hesitate. Come to PriceMyDomain.info now and get your domain appraised.

Christie Pegoda

Do you need to register a domain name or purchase hosting? - SDVA Hosting - http://sdvahosting.com

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